25 Creative Packaging Designs That Practically Sell Themselves

July 19, 2016

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We often consider the products we use and their packaging to be two separate things – the product is the thing we want, and its packaging is a piece of trash to be thrown away. These 30 ingenious packaging designs, however, prove that a well-designed package can complement or even enhance the product it was designed to carry.

Good design isn’t just about the product – it’s about good packaging as well. The honey pots are an excellent example of packaging design. The hexagon shape is perfect for representing what’s inside the jar, and it can be stacked to form a honeycomb pattern. And the hexagonal cap doubles as a honey dipper as well. A jar like that complements its product and makes it more of a pleasure to use (as if using honey could get any better).

Some of the other packaging, while not exactly useful, is still helpful and stylish. The Note headphones’ packaging serves to give them a strong association to music, while the tea hangers or Kiss juice boxes make their products just a bit more fun to use. It doesn’t always have to be about function.

1. Gnome Bread Packaging

Designed by Lo Siento Studio

2. Note Headphones

(Designer: Corinne Pant)

3. Beehive Honey Squares

Designed by Lacy Kuhn

4. NYC Spaghetti

Designer: Alex Creamer

5. Ford Ranger Extreme: Matchbox

Advertising Agency: JWT, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

6. Creative Japanese Pastry Packaging

Designer unknown

7. Tea Hangers

Designed by Soon Mo Kang

8. Origami Beer

Designed by Clara Lindsten

9. “City Harvest” Grocery Bag

Designed by Andy Winner and One Show Merit

10. Honey Made by Bees

Designed by Maksi Marbuzov

11. Kokeshi Matchsticks

Designed by kokeshi-m.com

12. Kiss – Fruit and vegetable puree

Designed by Alexandra Istratova

13. Whitebites dog snacks

Designer: Cecilia Uhr

14. Moustache Paintbrushes

Designed by Simon Laliberté

15. Zen Perfume

Designed by Igor Mitin

16. Fishing Boat Water Bottle

Designed by Designers Anonymous

17. Juicy Juice Boxes

Designed by Preston Grubbs

18. Mini Oliva Olive Oil

Source: packaginguqam.blogspot.com

19. Blood of Grapes Wine Bottle

Designed by Constantin Bolimond

20. Green Berry Tea

Designed by Natalia Ponomareva

21. Fruit Juice Packaging

Designed by Naoto Fukasawa

22. Coffin-Shaped Cigarette Case

Designed by: Reynolds and Reyner

23. Pink Glasses Wine Bottles

Designed by Luksemburk

24. Butter! Better!

Designed by Yeongkeun

25. Smirnoff Caipiroska

Designer by JWT

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